The word “synod” refers to both an event and a process. For the Diocese of Parramatta, our first Synod was an opportunity for people from all walks of life to come together and discern how the Church can be more inclusive, participatory, and responsive to the needs of its people. Synods are transformative events that lead to renewal in the Church’s life. In the Diocese of Parramatta, the Synod has formed the foundation of our new Pastoral Plan for a Synodal Church.

The Diocese of Parramatta’s first Synod began in March 2023, when Bishop Vincent Long formally announced the convocation of a Diocesan Synod.
From May to July 2023, our faith community enter into a period of ‘listening’, where they were invited to reflect on their Church experiences, discuss with family and friends, and submit their responses in person, online, and through deanery and parish listening consultations. Over 5000 individuals were engaged in this process, resulting in over 1000 submissions.

These submissions were collected and synthesised into a Working Document, which informed the agenda for the first Synod Assembly held from 13 to 15 October 2023.
The Synod Assembly was a gathering of almost 200 Members, including clergy, consecrated, and the laity from across our Diocese. Members discussed, discerned and voted on resolutions under six key themes, 24 of which were adopted as a result of the process.
In January 2024, the Decree of Promulgation, the official Synod Decree was launched, promulgating the 24 resolutions to inform the development of a pastoral plan for the Diocese of Parramatta.

The Diocese of Parramatta’s First Synod

Prayer for our Diocesan Synod
O God, who always walks with us
on the journey of life, we call upon you
to lead us forth united.
Bless and guide our Diocesan Synod.
Keep us anchored in your love.
Open our hearts as we listen and discern.
Reveal to us the way we are called
to go out into the deep.
Give us the courage to pursue
the mission with bold humility.
May we experience renewal in our local Church today,
and for generations to come.
We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ,
who in the power of the Holy Spirit continues to guide your Church,
to the fullness of your Kingdom now, and forever.
Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us.