Congratulations, you’re engaged!
We understand that planning a wedding can be both exhilarating and sometimes overwhelming. But here’s the beautiful part: your Catholic marriage is about much more than just flowers and venues. It’s a celebration of your love and faith, and it’s a journey that will continue long after the big day.
We’ve provided a brief overview of some steps to take when you prepare for a Catholic wedding and marriage. We’ve also provided information about our Marriage Preparation Courses, which provide practical guidance on how to keep God, faith, and love at the very heart of your special day and throughout your married life.
So, let’s embark on this unique and wonderful adventure together, making your Catholic wedding truly special and memorable!
You’re engaged! What happens next?
Engagement: Your journey begins with your engagement. Take time to celebrate this special moment with family and friends.
Contact Your Parish: Visit or contact your local Catholic parish to let them know about your intention to marry. You’ll likely need to meet with your parish priest to discuss your wedding plans. Always consult with your parish priest to ensure you’re meeting all the necessary requirements for a Catholic wedding in your area.
Pre-Marital Preparation: The Diocese of Parramatta requires engaged couples to attend pre-marital preparation courses or sessions. These courses help you explore various aspects of married life, including communication, conflict resolution, and the sacrament of marriage.

Choose the Wedding Date: Work with your parish to choose a suitable date for your wedding. Keep in mind that certain times of the liturgical year may have restrictions on weddings, and we recommend that you complete your pre-marital preparation course at least 6 month before your wedding day.
Marriage Preparation Documents: You’ll need to provide various documents, such as baptismal certificates, confirmation certificates, and proof of freedom to marry (e.g., a declaration of nullity if previously married).
The Marriage Rite: Work closely with your parish priest to plan the details of your wedding ceremony. This includes selecting Scripture readings, hymns, and any personal touches you’d like to include.
Decorations and Music: Coordinate with the church and any musicians or vocalists you’d like to have at your wedding. Discuss appropriate decorations for the church.
Legal Requirements: Attend to the legal aspects of marriage, including obtaining a marriage licence from your local government authority. Your parish will guide you through this process, and this will normally done through the parish where you intend to marry.
Rehearsal: Schedule a rehearsal at the church to practise the ceremony with your wedding party and anyone else who will have a role in the liturgy.
Reconciliation: If you’re Catholic, consider going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) before your wedding day to prepare spiritually.
Finalise Details: In the weeks leading up to your wedding, finalise all details, such as attire, rings, and any logistics related to the ceremony and reception.
The Wedding Day: Finally, your special day arrives! Enjoy the beauty and significance of your Catholic wedding ceremony and don’t forget to pause in all the excitement!

Congratulations on your journey to marriage!
A wedding takes a day. A marriage lasts a lifetime.
Marriage Preparation Courses
In the Catholic Church, marriage is a sacred vow, which, like God’s promise to love us, can never be broken. It is a lifelong journey that requires a deeper understanding of yourself and your spouse. This is why we recommend that couples who are preparing for a wedding in the Catholic Church also prepare their relationship for the vocation of marriage. We offer a number of courses to highlight marriage as a lifelong vocation – these courses are designed to give each of you practical guidance and skills to ensure you have the tools, guidance and support to form a strong marriage.
If you’d like to be married in the Catholic Church, we recommend that you:
- Contact and meet with your parish priest/deacon as soon as you are engaged
- Book a Diocesan-approved marriage course at least 6 months before your wedding day.
The Diocese of Parramatta offers 2 pre-marriage programs for couples. Both preparations offer couples activities designed to explore your relationship together to:
Strengthen and enrich your relationship skills
Use the difficult times to grow
Work on building a rewarding life together
Weekend Course
This course is held on a Friday evening (7pm – 9.45pm) and the Sunday (8.45am – 4:30pm) of the same weekend. It is presented in a group setting by a married couple with personal discussion time for you and your spouse.
Cost: $250 per couple – includes all course material, Sunday lunch and morning/afternoon tea.
Topics include:
- Catholic Marriage
- Family of Origin
- Your Marital House
- Communication
- Managing Conflict
- Couple Intimacy
- Natural Family Planning
SmartLoving Engaged Online
This course gives each couple access to 9 online multimedia sessions (each session is approximately 90 minutes long) and a SmartLoving Sponsor Couple who accompany you through your learning.
Cost: $190 per couple – includes the couple workbook and the Sponsor Couple accompaniment.
Topics include:
- Mission to Love
- Building Unity
- Dialogue
- Sex as a Sacred Embrace
- Love Gives Life
- Soul Mates for Life
Enrolment takes 10-15 minutes to complete and you will need a MasterCard or Visa.
If you do not have these payment methods please contact the Diocesan of Parramatta’s Mission Enhancement Team on (02) 8838 3460 or submit an enquiry using the form below.