Your vocation is a unique and personal invitation from God, to live out your unique gifts and talents in a way that serves Him and His people. Your vocation may be to marriage, single life, priesthood, the permanent diaconate or consecrated religious life. In each vocation, we are called to live out our baptismal call to holiness and to serve others in love, so that through our life, God can fulfil His plan for the world.
By discerning your vocation, you can discover what God is calling you to do with your life and how you can best use your gifts and talents to serve Him and others.
If you are interested in learning more about discerning your Catholic vocation, please talk to your parish priest or a spiritual director. They can help you to begin this journey and to discern God’s will for your life.
Holy Hour for Vocations
Every fourth Friday of the month the Diocese of Parramatta hosts Holy Hour in St. Patrick’s Cathedral to pray for Vocations. This is a time of prayer and reflection in front of the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration and concluding with Benediction. All are welcome to join.
When: 6:30pm every fourth Friday of the Month
Where: St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta

Discerning your Catholic vocation is a process of prayer, reflection, and discernment. It is a journey of discovering what God is calling you to do with your life.
The Catholic priesthood is a vocation that calls men to dedicate their lives to serving God and the Church. Priests are ordained ministers who act in the person of Christ, carrying out the sacred duties of teaching, preaching, and celebrating the sacraments. They are responsible for the spiritual well-being of the faithful, providing guidance, counsel, and pastoral care to individuals and families.
The life of a Catholic priest is one of dedication, service, and sacrifice. Priests are called to live a life of celibacy, simplicity, and obedience, devoting themselves fully to their ministry and the well-being of the faithful. They play a vital role in the Catholic Church, ensuring the transmission of faith, the celebration of sacraments, and the spiritual nourishment of the community.

Permanent Diaconate
The Catholic diaconate is a unique and important vocation within the Church, distinct from both the priesthood and the laity. Deacons are ordained ministers who assist bishops and priests in the performance of their liturgical, pastoral, and charitable duties. They are called to serve as a bridge between the clergy and the laity, embodying the spirit of service and humility that lies at the heart of the Christian faith.
Deacons play a vital role in the Church’s ministry, assisting with the celebration of the Eucharist, proclaiming the Gospel, teaching religious education, and providing pastoral care to the faithful. They may also be involved in various ministries, such as social justice work, prison ministry, and youth ministry. Deacons are typically married men who live in the community and integrate their faith into their daily lives. They serve as role models for families and individuals, demonstrating the importance of service, compassion, and dedication to the Church and society.
Consecrated and Religious Life
This vocation is a calling to follow Christ in a community, characterised by selflessness, service, and spiritual growth. Men and women who choose consecrated religious life commit themselves to living a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience, dedicating themselves fully to the service of God and others.
Members of religious communities live together in a spirit of brotherhood or sisterhood, sharing their lives, resources, and faith. They engage in a variety of ministries, including teaching, healthcare, social work, and evangelisation, contributing to the Church’s mission and making a positive impact on the world. Throughout the Diocese of Parramatta, religious brothers and sisters work in social ministries with the unemployed, refugees, youth, homeless people, people with AIDS, women suffering from domestic violence, single mothers, the aged, and mentally ill people; in a variety of health care services; in spiritual direction, retreat work and counselling; in social justice ministries; in parish work.

In the Catholic Church, marriage is a sacrament and vocation; a sacred bond between a man and a woman that signifies their total self-giving to each other in a lifelong commitment of love, fidelity, and mutual respect. It is a covenant of love, mirroring the relationship between Christ and the Church, and is considered a holy vocation, a path to spiritual growth and sanctification.
Married couples are called to nurture their love through mutual care, forgiveness, and patience, and to raise their children in the faith, fostering their spiritual and moral development. This commitment calls for couples to face challenges together, seeking support from their faith, their community, and the Church when needed. Marriage is a journey of growth, understanding, and deepening love, offering a unique path to holiness and fulfilment.