The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) in Parramatta recognises the importance of equipping Special Religious Education (SRE) Catechists with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively impart the teachings of the Catholic Church. Through a comprehensive training program, CCD Parramatta ensures that catechists are well-prepared to foster faith formation and spiritual growth among children and young people.
Level 1 Course
For newly appointed SRE Catechists and Assistants in their first year of teaching.
Level 2 Course
Further formation for SRE Catechists currently teaching, helping or providing relief in classrooms.
Level 3 Course
The final step to full accreditation for SRE Catechists who’ve completed Levels 1 and 2.
A Journey of Continuous Learning
The CCD Parramatta training program is designed to be a journey of continuous learning and development. Catechists are provided with a solid foundation in Catholic theology, pedagogy, and catechetical methodology, enabling them to effectively engage students and address their diverse learning styles.

The training program encompasses a series of core modules that provide catechists with in-depth knowledge of essential topics, including:
- Catholic Beliefs and Practices: Catechists gain a comprehensive understanding of the core tenets of the Catholic faith, including the sacraments, scripture, and the Church’s teachings on morality and social justice.
- Effective Catechetical Methods: Catechists learn a range of pedagogical techniques and strategies to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for students.
- Understanding Children and Young People: Catechists develop an understanding of the developmental stages and learning needs of children and young people, enabling them to tailor their teaching approach accordingly.
Inservices and Reflection Days
At various times throughout the year, inservices may be offered on the following topics:
- Child Protection updates
- Smartboard Inservices
- Visual and Creative Arts, particularly for with Easter and Christmas
- Inservices on the program ‘Christ our Light and Life’
A series of Reflection Days are also offered across the diocese during the year.
Please speak to your local Parish Coordinator, who will have the information on hand about what is being offered around the Diocese of Parramatta or in dioceses nearby.

Go out to the whole world; proclaim the gospel to all creation.
Mark 16:15
Level 1
The Level One Training Course is designed for newly appointed SRE Catechists and Assistants who are required to complete the training course during their first year of teaching. The course also caters for Catechists/SREs and Assistants who are currently teaching but haven’t attended a training course for more than five years. Providing you with an introduction to the ministry being undertaken in the state schools, this course prepares Catechists/SREs and Assistants with:
- Basic teaching skills using the approved curriculum
- Insight into how children learn
- An introduction to the Bible
- Understanding of the context of the legislation under which the CCD operates in public schools
- Spiritual nourishment
Course duration: 28 hours over 14 sessions
Level 1 Training is offered in three formats
A seven-day course over seven weeks (9:30am – 2:30pm, two sessions a day)
An evening course over 14 weeks (7pm – 9:15pm, one session per night)
A reconnection day/evening is held approximately 4 weeks after session 14. This session is used to revisit and consolidate the learnings of the course.
To receive your Level One Certificate, all sessions must be completed. Any missed sessions can be made up at other Level One courses across the year at various venues where they are offered.
Additional information for Level 1 Training participants
One component of the Level One Training course is to complete a Lesson Observation Response. In this response, you will be asked to observe a suitably qualified Catechist/SRE in their classroom and to complete a questionnaire on what they see as best teaching practice. In Session 14, a DVD – the ‘LOT’ – is shown to assist you in carrying out this response.
In most cases, the Level 1 certificate is presented at a Regional Mass.
Level 1 Training Sessions
If you cannot see any suitable training events, please contact the CCD Parramatta team for assistance.
Level 2
The Level Two Training Course is designed for Catechists/SREs who have completed Level One and are:
- Currently teaching a class
- Presently helping in a classroom
- Regularly relief-teaching in a classroom
Building upon the work undertaken in Level One, the Level Two Training Course provides opportunities for the further formation of a Catechist/SRE, through topics that include:
- Faith Development of Students
- Sacraments of Initiation
- Further Scriptural studies
- Classroom Management
- The Beatitudes
- An update on Diocesan Child Protection
Course duration: 28 hours over 14 sessions
Level 2 Training is offered in three formats
A eight-day course over eight weeks (9.30am-2.30pm, two sessions a day)
An evening course over 16 weeks (7pm – 9:15pm, one session per night)
A reconnection day/evening is held approximately 4 weeks after session 15. This session is used to revisit and consolidate the learnings of the course.
To receive your Level Two Certificate, all sessions must be completed. Any missed sessions can be made up at other Level Two courses across the year at various venues where they are offered.
Additional information for Level 2 Training participants
In addition to attending the sessions, all participants are also required to prepare and self-evaluate a specific lesson.
In most cases, the Level 2 certificate is presented at a Regional Mass.
Level 2 Training Sessions
If you cannot see any suitable training events, please contact the CCD Parramatta team for assistance.
Level 3
The Level Three Training Course is for SRE Catechists who have completed Levels One and Two and who are currently teaching a class.
Based at the Diocese of Parramatta’s Bishop Bede Heather Centre at Blacktown, the Level Three Course centres on an individual SRE Catechist’s faith journey.
This course marks the completion of the Special Religious Education Accreditation Courses. Importantly, it also opens up new dimensions of further study in the Diocese as well as in the Archdiocese of Sydney and the Diocese of Broken Bay.
Course duration: 40 hours over 10 sessions/10 weeks
Level 3 Training is offered in the following format:
4-hour sessions held every week over 10 weeks (usually 10am-2pm)
Additional information for Level 3 Training participants
At the completion of the full Accreditation Course (Levels 1-3) the SRE Catechist receives their Graduation Certificate at the Annual Special Religious Education Diocesan Mass and Awards Ceremony.
We encourage SRE Catechsists to continue their faith development with courses offered through the Diocese’s Mission Enhancement Team (MET) and at the various institutes across Sydney.
Level 3 Training Sessions
If you cannot see any suitable training events, please contact the CCD Parramatta team for assistance.
Need more information?
Complete the form below to get in touch with the CCD team: