Safeguarding Training

As part of the Diocese of Parramatta’s commitment to ensuring all children and adults at risk are safe, respected, protected and supported in our care, all staff and volunteers in our parishes, chaplaincies, agencies, ministries and councils are required to complete Mandatory Safeguarding

All training is focused on protecting the most vulnerable in our communities and is constantly updated to meet the Diocese’s Safeguarding Policy, the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian Child Safe Standards and The National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.

All staff and volunteers are required to undertake safeguarding training and must complete three mandatory modules which total six points.

Cycle 1 (New staff/volunteers who have not completed any training within the Diocese)

  • Module 1: Understanding Safeguarding and the Child Safe Standards
  • Module 2: Legal Compliance, ROSH (Risk Of Significant Harm) and RC (Reportable Conduct)
  • Module 3: Working with Adults at Risk and Understanding Boundaries

Cycle 2 (Renewal Training for staff/volunteers who completed Cycle 1 two years ago)

  • Module 4: Applying the Child Safe Standards to Safeguard Children & Adults at Risk
  • Module 5: Legal Compliance: Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH) and Reportable Conduct 

Clergy, Office Managers and Leaders and Ministry Team Leaders or Coordinators are required to complete two additional elective modules (Cycle 1 – 4 points) and, after two years, one additional elective module (Renewal Cycle 2 – 2 points).

Online Elective modules include:

  • Children with a Disability: Inclusive practice and child-safe organisations.
  • Domestic and Family Violence – a multicultural perspective.
  • Domestic and Family Violence – it does not discriminate by postcode.
  • Elder Abuse Awareness.
  • Protection through Participation: Involving Children in Child-Safe Organisations.
  • Vos Estis Lux Mundi – for clergy only.

Training can be completed either online via the training portal or in-person sessions across the Diocese.

Recognition of prior Safeguarding Training

Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) teachers who volunteer in their parishes are exempt to the Diocesan Mandatory Safeguarding training. However, teachers are required to present their current (last 12 months) certificates of completion for their child protection training, which will be noted by their parish office and marked as having completed Mandatory Modules 1 and 2. Teachers will then be asked to complete Mandatory Module 3 – ‘Safeguarding Adults at Risk’.

People who complete safeguarding training that has not been provided by the Diocese of Parramatta’s Office for Safeguarding will only receive credit for non-compulsory modules. You will still need to complete the Mandatory modules.

You can apply for recognition of your prior safeguarding training by providing the following information:

  • Course name/description or outline i.e. course on domestic violence, working in the disability sector, child protection course or counselling courses.
  • Proof of attendance and date
  • Provider of education (company/person/institution)
  • A brief outline on the training’s relevance to safeguarding
  • Date completed (must be within in the last 12 months)

If the course is assessed as relevant and current, you will be awarded two points towards your total of 10 points required. The Safeguarding team will assess the material provided and you will be contacted with a confirmation of the outcome of the assessment.

If you have any questions, please send an email to the Diocese’s Manager, Prevention, Healing and Support on [email protected]

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