If you are struggling financially and in need of food or employment assistance can turn to various Catholic Church organisations and programs for support:

CatholicCare Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains: Catholic Care provides a wide range of social services, including food assistance programs and employment support services. They have multiple locations in Western Sydney where individuals can access these resources.

Bishop Manning Support Fund: The Bishop Manning Support Fund provides full or part bursaries to assist families in genuine need who desire a Catholic school education for their children, but for whom the cost is out of reach. Bursaries can cover school fees, the cost of uniforms and equipment for primary or secondary school students.

St. Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies): Vinnies provides emergency financial assistance to people in immediate need. This assistance may cover essential expenses like food, utility bills, and rent to prevent homelessness, as well as employment programs and support services to help individuals find job opportunities. Vinnies relies on a network of dedicated volunteers and donors to carry out its mission of helping the poor and marginalised. Their services are rooted in the principles of compassion, respect, and solidarity, with a commitment to supporting individuals in their journey toward financial stability and self-sufficiency.

Community Migrant Resource Centre: While not directly affiliated with the Catholic Church, this organisation collaborates with various community groups, including Catholic ones, to provide services such as employment assistance, settlement support, and access to information for migrants and refugees. With headquarters in Parramatta, this organisation specialises in helping our growing migrant community transition into a safe and secure life in Western Sydney.

House of Welcome: Located in Granville, House of Welcome offers emergency relief services to assist individuals and families facing immediate financial crises. This may include the provision of food parcels, supermarket vouchers, clothing, and other essential items to alleviate financial hardship. They also provide Legal and Advocacy Support, case management and employment assistance.

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS): In addition to providing material relief such as distribution of food, clothing, hygiene kits, and other essential items to meet basic needs, JRS also support people in developing employment skills, finding job opportunities, and accessing vocational training programs. Their programs and support aims to promote self-sufficiency and economic independence.

Parish-Based Initiatives: Many Catholic parishes in Western Sydney have their own food pantries, community gardens, and employment support programs. You are welcome to reach out to your local church or community centre to ask about available assistance.
The Catholic Church is deeply committed to caring for the poor and vulnerable in society. This mission aligns with the urgent call to protect our common home, as emphasised by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si‘, where the Holy Father calls for a collective effort to achieve sustainable and positive change in how we treat the most vulnerable in our communities.
Our commitment to addressing poverty and financial hardship is rooted in our fundamental values of compassion and social justice. We believe the earth and its resources belong to God our Father and Creator, and as stewards of this planet, there is a responsibility to ensure that everyone can live with dignity and access the basic necessities of life.

In the spirit of Psalm 95, which calls us to worship and bow down before the Lord, the Catholic Church sees caring for the poor as an act of worship. By serving those in need, we are fulfilling a sacred duty and expressing our love for God. This commitment to social justice is an integral part of the Church’s mission and reflects its dedication to building a more compassionate and inclusive world.