Multicultural Chaplaincy

Latin Mass Chaplaincy

The Parramatta Latin Mass Chaplaincy is served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter with the approval and blessing of the Most Reverend Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta.

All Masses and Sacraments are performed in the Latin usus antiquior of the Roman Rite, in accordance with the liturgical books of 1962, as expressed in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) Southern Cross House
33 Heather Street
02 9688 4287
Postal Address
PO Box 46
Pendle Hill 2145
Contact Name
Rev Damonn Sypher FSSP

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