Think Tank Sessions

The people of God in the Diocese of Parramatta are invited to contribute to the development of our ‘Diocesan Plan for a Synodal Church’.

Local faith communities are encouraged to engage in dialogue, offer valuable insights to the Plan’s development, and to continue nurturing leaders through synodal practices through a series of Think Tank Sessions, beginning on 1 May.

What is a Think Tank session?

Targeting local leaders, the sessions will gather feedback for implementing the Diocesan Plan and Synod resolutions locally.

Every local faith community is encouraged to coordinate their own local Think Tank session, guided by the draft of the Diocesan Plan.

This includes, but is not limited to, parishes, migrant chaplaincies, Catholic schools, ecclesial communities, Catholic agencies, and councils.

The Mission Enhancement Team will be available to provide training, resources, and support.

Who is invited to attend?

Pastoral Council members, Sacramental Coordinators, Youth Leaders, Ministry Teams, Prayer Group Leaders, clergy, and educational leaders.

However, sessions should be open to anyone interested in contributing.

We expect each session to attract between 15 to 30 participants.

Training on Facilitating a Local Think Tank Session

Each parish or local community was invited to send two people to one of four Training sessions on ‘Facilitating a Local Think Tank Session’ held at the Bishop Bede Heather Centre, Blacktown between 29 April to 3 May. If you were unable to attend a training session, resources are still available to assist you in coordinating your local Think Tank session. In addition, you can contact us for support at [email protected].

Diocesan Think Tank Sessions

Diocesan Think Tank sessions will supplement local sessions, focusing on one of the six Synod themes to ensure comprehensive community input.

Please register to attend:

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