SmartLoving Engaged Online Course

SKU: LMF-SL Category:


SmartLoving Engaged Online – A 9 session online course with the accompaniment of a sponsor couple. SmartLoving Engaged Online is $190 per couple which includes workbooks and face to face sessions with an appointed sponsor couple at no additional cost.

What is a Sponsor Couple?
A Sponsor Couple is a married couple from the Parish who volunteer to complete the weekly exercises in their own home and then meet with you, the Engaged couple, to share their insights on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Once your registration has arrived a sponsor couple will be allocated to you. The Sponsor couple will make contact to arrange your first in person session.


Wedding Details

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Bride's Details

Groom's Details

Wedding Ceremony Details

If either of these are not known, please state “TBA”

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