DDF Interest Rates

Transactional and Premium Saver Account

Business Every Day – S5


Online Money Market – S6


Staff Saver – S11


Please note the above rates are effective 1st October 2024 and are subject to change without notice

Term Investment Accounts

Interest is paid or compounded on maturity

1 month (minimum $250,000)


3 months (minimum $5,000)


4 months (minimum $5,000)


5 months (minimum $5,000)


6 months (minimum $5,000)


7 months (minimum $5,000)


8 months (minimum $5,000)


9 months (minimum $5,000)


10 months (minimum $5,000)


11 months (minimum $5,000)


12 months (minimum $5,000)


Please note the above rates are effective 1st January 2025 and are subject to change without notice.

DDF Office:
Bethany Centre
470 Church St
Parramatta NSW 2150

Phone: 02 8839 4500

Opening Hours:
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday to Friday

DDF Postal Address:
PO Box 2605
North Parramatta
NSW 1750

What services are you interested in learning about (you may select multiple options)
Please provide the DDF team an indication of what you would like information about, and a suitable time to contact you.

Disclosure Statement
The Diocesan Development Fund Catholic Diocese of Parramatta (DDF) (the Fund) is required by law to make the following disclosure. The Fund is not prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority nor has it been examined or approved by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. An investor in the Fund will not receive the benefit of the financial claims scheme or the depositor protection provisions in the Banking Act 1959(Cth). Investments in the Fund are intended to be a means for investors to support the charitable, religious and educational works of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta and for whom the consideration of profit are not of primary relevance in the investment decision. The investments that the Fund offers are not subject to the usual protections for investors under the Corporations Act (Cth) or regulation by Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Investors may be unable to get some or all of their money back when the investor expects or at all and any investment of the Fund are not comparable to investments with banks, finance companies or fund managers. The Fund’s identification statement may be viewed at https://parracatholic.org or by contacting the Fund. The Fund does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence.

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