Donate now to support the mission of our Church

Make a positive impact on the lives of those who need your help. The Parramatta Catholic Foundation and Clergy Support Foundation raise funds, awareness, and prayers for five vital Catholic ministries. You can also donate to your local parish or leave a gift in your Will. If you would like to donate directly to the Foundation, they will allocate your donation to where it’s needed most.

All donations over $2 to the Parramatta Catholic Foundation or the Clergy Support Foundation are tax deductible. Please note donations to Parishes are not tax deductible.

Donate now or make a regular monthly contribution to:

The one who hopes has been granted the gift of new life.

Pope Benedict XVI (Spe Salvi, 2)

You can also help ensure the future of our Church through a gift in your Will.

In the Diocese of Parramatta, I believe we have very big hearts. More often than not, we are willing to share the little we have with our loved ones around us, our families abroad and our friends. I also know many of you, if you aren’t already, are willing to give yourselves in service to the Church, but often don’t know where to start, nor have the time to begin. For those of you in this position, or if you just want to do more, you might like to consider donating to the Parramatta Catholic Foundation as a means of participating and strengthening the work our Church.

Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta

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PO Box 3094

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