You can engage in eco-conscious practices within your daily life, participate in ecological initiatives organised by the Diocese, and consider contributing your time, skills, or resources to support our environmental programs and advocacy.
The Diocese of Parramatta has embarked on a seven-year journey towards achieving seven Laudato Si’ Goals, which means to care more deeply for God’s creation and our sisters and brothers in need. Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv invites all people in the Diocese to respond to the 2021-2022 Social Justice Statement Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor by doing what you can to contribute, which means to care more deeply for God’s creation and our sisters and brothers in need.
Read Laudate Deum (“Praise God”) – to all people of good will on the climate crisis, an apostolic exhortation from Pope Francis. This the Holy Father’s call to action to address the climate crisis and care for our common home. In it, he warns of the dangers of a technocratic ideology that drives the exploitation of nature and the poor, and he calls for a new ecological conversion that is rooted in a deep respect for all of creation.
Read Pope Francis’ second encyclical Laudato Si’ (“Praise Be to You”) – on care for our common home, to learn more about the urgent need for environmental stewardship and social justice. In this letter, the Holy Father emphasises the moral responsibility we each have to care for the planet, address climate change, and alleviate the suffering of the poor and vulnerable affected by environmental degradation. He calls for an integral ecology that recognses the interconnectedness of all life and advocates for a more sustainable and just world.
Join Caritas’ Catholic Earthcare Parishes Program so your parish receives resources, guidance, and tools to help them become more environmentally conscious and take practical steps toward caring for creation. The program encourages parishes to adopt sustainable practices, reduce their ecological footprint, and raise awareness about environmental issues within their faith communities.
Join our next Diocesan Clean Up Australia Day event.
In an era marked by ecological challenges, the Church aims to set an example of caring for God’s creation and our fellow beings. This mission, as Pope Francis emphasises, signifies hope in difficult times. Together, the Diocese of Parramatta aims to build a network of parishes, schools, and organisations committed to the principles of Laudato Si’ and its seven goals.
On a Diocesan level, the commitment entails annual self-assessments, development and implementation of a Laudato Si’ Action Plan, and reporting to the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development through the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.
Meet the Laudato Si’ Action Team
Bishop Vincent has also formed a Laudato Si’ Action Team to drive action on a Diocesan level and to accompany parishes, schools, and organisations in their own efforts. The team members are:
- Andrew Wilson (CSPD Mission Team)
- Sr Carmel Pilcher rsj, PhD (Liturgy and Culture Consultant and Educator, Lapstone)
- Claire Thomas (Jesuit Social Services & Diocesan Pastoral Council)
- Br Jeff Regan cfc (Christian Brothers Mulgoa & Sacred Heart Parish Luddenham-Warragamba)
- Melissa McDonald (Parish Pastoral Council St Finbar’s Glenbrook & Confraternity of Christian Doctrine)
- Fr Paul Roberts (Parish Priest Our Lady Queen of Peace Greystanes)
- Sebastian Salaske-Lentern (MET – Peace, Justice, Ecology)
- Sue Martin (Jesuits Australia Reconciliation with Creation Program & St Madeleine’s Parish Kenthurst)