
The Catholic community in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains offers many ways to connect, both within our faith community and with those from other backgrounds. Our people are inspired to come together, share experiences, and contribute to the betterment of society, guided by the Gospel message and our principles of love, compassion, and service.

Whether you are a Catholic seeking to deepen your faith or a non-Catholic looking to engage with this vibrant and diverse community, there are numerous avenues for connection and meaningful interactions.

Want to contribute to the work of the Church?

Another way to connect is by exploring the various outreach programs and social justice initiatives run by Catholic organisations in the region. These programs often extend a helping hand to those in need, providing support and assistance to vulnerable individuals and marginalised communities. By volunteering or participating in these initiatives, Catholics and non-Catholics can come together to make a tangible difference in the lives of others while forging meaningful connections and fostering a sense of compassion and solidarity.

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