Our Pastoral Plan is the culmination of the first official synodal journey of the Diocese of Parramatta, following the decrees of the fifth Australian Plenary Council in 2022. Bishop Vincent Long convoked the first-ever Synod for the Diocese of Parramatta in 2023, with the intention to follow the invitation of Pope Francis for all baptised people to walk together, or journey with one another in a process of renewal, transformation and hope for our local Church. Another intention of this process was the creation of a Pastoral Plan.
What is the Diocesan Pastoral Plan?
A Pastoral Plan establishes and articulates the Christ-centred vision of our Diocese. It helps our Diocese align its efforts with the Church’s mission, meeting the changing needs of the community while staying true to its tradition and pastoral priorities.
A Pastoral Plan involves the commitment of the entire People of God, called to live out their baptismal call in the life of the Church. It provides a common language and the opportunity to focus gifts and resources on the highest priorities as we work together as one Body of Christ.

Who is this Plan for?
This document is written for the People of God in the Diocese of Parramatta. In particular, it is written for those involved in leading, facilitating, and supporting service, ministry, and mission initiatives within our parishes, schools, agencies, and organisations.
Our Pastoral Plan honours our synodal journey and hopes to inspire local action and equip individuals to engage in the Church’s mission, spreading the Gospel message within and beyond the Diocese.
When was it launched?
The Diocesan Pastoral Plan for a Synodal Church was launched at the Diocesan Gathering on Saturday 10 August 2024.
The Diocesan Gathering brought together clergy, laypeople, and various members of the diocesan community, including parish leaders, agencies, ministries, and organisations.
Learn more about the Diocesan Gathering.

How was it prepared?
Following the Synod and the launch of the Synod decree in January 2024, the Diocesan Plan Writing Group wrote the first draft of the Pastoral Plan for a Synodal Church. The draft was then brought to leaders across the diocese with an invitation to contribute to its development with communal discernment and dialogue through various ‘Think Tank sessions’ from 1 May to 12 June 2024.

The Synodal Process
Over 45 Think Tank sessions were held over the 6-week period, including six Diocesan sessions, each focusing on one of the six themes from the Synod. The Writing Group are reviewing and considering each submission, and integrating valuable feedback and insights to ensure that the final Pastoral Plan is responsive to the needs of the diocese.
[Catholic Outlook – Together in Faith: Developing our Diocesan Plan]
Think Tanks targeted local leaders to gather feedback for implementing the Pastoral Plan and Synod resolutions locally. Each local faith community – parishes, chaplaincies, schools, agencies, and councils – was encouraged to hold their own session, guided by the Diocesan Plan draft, with support from the Mission Enhancement Team.

Journey From the Synod to a Pastoral Plan